JJ In Da Hood #1 | La Taverna


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When da food is good, out comes JJ from da hood.

I’m starting a segment here where I’mma recommend y’all restaurants that are real special and you should pay attention because these recommendations deserve some respect.


Y’all who know me, know that I’m an Asian girl through and through, and I’mma pick Asian food over Western food any day cause I am basic like that.

However, there is a restaurant in Hong Kong that changed my mind about Western food and this is the first western food restaurant which has made it onto my crave list (that shit is honourary yo).

Now, y’all know by now, any restaurant that I recommend needs to qualify on three criteria:

  1. 平 (Cheap) – It ain’t gotta be dirt cheap, cause let’s face it, we don’t always want to muck it out on a road side store and sometimes, we all need to class it up a little and go fancy. All I’m saying is that whatever the price point, it’s gotta be value for money.
  2. 靓 (Beautiful) – When it looks good, it makes you feel good. Whether it’s a classy joint or just a local diner, if the ambience is good, the environment is clean, and food looks fucking delicious, then it ticks all the check boxes on this criteria.
  3. 正 (Bomb) – The criteria that it usually boils down to for all foodies. That food gotta taste bomb, if not, don’t waste my calories. Do you see my body shape? It can’t afford no extra calories from nasty food.

I have to say, La Taverna ticks all the boxes. You don’t find such a gem so easily. I’mma explain why.

Being a proper restaurant and all, this place ain’t dirt cheap (Openrice suggests that you would spend an average of $401 – $800 HKD per person for a meal – that shit’s called Fine Dining for a reason). However, it can be freaking value for money if you’re smart about it. On Mondays – Fridays, the restaurant offers a special Executive Set Lunch menu in which most of the main courses cost less than $100 HKD and it comes with complimentary dessert and coffee or tea. Now if that’s not value for money, I don’t know what is. I guarantee you that the food quality here is top notch and will be worth every dime. Even the free bread which they serve you, piping hot and fresh from the oven, goes perfectly with the plate of olive oil and balsamic vinegar (not with butter, simply because it’s goddamn Italian). You thought it was just bread? Think again.

This restaurant is tucked albeit underground – as you descend down the stairs, it almost feels like you took a trip to Italy as you lose sights of the streets of Hong Kong and all you see is sunlight pouring in from the high windows, into what looks like a quaint little vineyard restaurant. The vibe is very romantic – perfect for all your hot dates. When you try and order, the servers reply you with”” – can it be cuter than this? The food is simply plated but served very fresh and piping hot so you know it’s going to be insta-worthy. This restaurant nails the aesthetic and delivers the “authentic Italian experience” (disclaimer: I could be wrong because I’ve never been to Italy but this is exactly what I imagine the real Italy to be like) very well.

Then. We. Get. To. The. Food.

Zuppa di Mare (Traditional italian seafood soup)

Daily Specials: Fettuccine with crab & urchin

I already started talking about their fresh bread cause I couldn’t help myself but this place has very bomb pasta. Flavours are on point. They are creative with fresh ingredients and the daily specials are usually exciting and delicious (think: Uni and Crab Fettuccine). To be honest, I’ve not had a chance to try much of their other stuff yet, but I love what I’ve had so far. Since I’ve mostly been having seafood, I can confirm that their seafood pastas all pack that punch of flavour and umami. I also tried their wild mushrooms pasta and it is the ultimate comfort food with a subtle and fragrant flavour that warms up your belly. I’mma keep coming back for more and update if I get disappointed but it seems unlikely. La Taverna will always have a special place in my heart.

Fettuccine con cozze (Fettuccine pasta with mussels in white wine sauce)

Signature Tiramisu

One last thing to note is that if you head on down there, you’d best be sure to try out their tiramisu as well. It packs a strong punch of rum and that alcoholic fragrance balances perfectly with the creamy chocolate and mascarpone cheese sweetness. Goes well with a cup of coffee or tea.

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