• Taipei, Taiwan – 4D4N

    Taipei, Taiwan – 4D4N

    Started getting hyped up to write about my recent travels to Italy for the first time, but when I look back and realised that I got so much travel logs backlogged all the way from 2018, I knew that I had to quickly get it all out of the way before I could start on… Read more



    DAY ONE The first day in Japan passed rather uneventfully, I suppose, if you didn’t count crazy uncontainable excitement from finally landing on Japan soil and breathing Japan air. We arrived around noon and we quickly settled down in an udon restaurant in Narita Airport because 9 hours of flying on budget airline means you… Read more



    Hola! I’m finally back from Bangkok, Thailand! I set off on the 16th December 2013 for Bangkok for a a 5D4N trip 🙂 It has been a journey of endless feasting, shopping and good company. Although I’ve been bracing myself for a let down because many people have been complaining to me about how Bangkok… Read more

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